Google Ads


Help Patients Find You Exactly When They Need You

When you use our digital marketing solutions, one of our most powerful tools are Google Ads. This is also called Pay Per Click or PPC. The massive benefit of Google Ads is achieved by researching and evaluating specific keywords and long-tailed keywords.
We evaluate which search words and phrases your potential patients are using to find your services. Google Ads and PPC methodology lift your practice above the crowd in the digital world, putting you ahead of any competitor when your services are being searched for. Paid advertising drives online traffic to your website where conversions from leads to bookings (or sales) take place. When your website’s SEO is done by us, your conversion rate escalates even further. You gain a faster growth of your clinic client base.

Help Patients When They Need You

Here Are The Related Google Ads Services:

Local Service Ads

Google Local Service Ads is also a PPC campaign that places your practice at the top of search results when potential clients are doing local searches.

Google Ads

We work directly with Google via their Google Ads platform and build a group of campaigns aimed at specific age groups, genders and services. This drives relevancy and avoids wasting budget.

Google Ad Words

Google AdWords (Pay Per Click Advertising) is a very effective website marketing tool. We provide the best Google Ads services to generate traffic, leads & sales to your website. 

Google Banner Ads

From google display ad development to targeted optimization and analytics analysis, we can help you promote your business to the far next level.

Your Secret Ingredient

Niche Focus

We Focus On What Matters

PPC only works well when it’s monitored and measured, and our Ad experts are excellent at doing this. What you measure is equally important. We measure how money was spent and on what, the cost per click and the average cost per lead. We also test Ads by constantly running A & B campaigns and removing the lesser performing campaign.
By tracking Ad metrics, we can strategically redirect and hone campaigns to the most effective, lowest paying, highest-earning advertising outcome for your practice’s goals. This gives you significant control of the budget and excellent returns on investment.

Keyword Research

Keyword Research

Our dental SEO experts do in-depth keyword research related to your patient’s search behaviour and also compile negative keywords to ensure your Ads only show at the right time and place.

Landing Page Creation

Landing Page Creation

Tailored, branded landing pages will be created specific to each Ad campaign to ensure that each click has a superior rate of conversion chance.

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Gogle Ads


More Advertising With Less Spend

PPC is one the smartest way to do advertising as you do not waste your time advertising to audience members who are not interested like old-fashioned advertising methods did.

  • Google’s Ownership Of The Search Market 92% 92%
  • Google Ads Increase Brand Awareness 80% 80%
  • % Of Advertising Hours Per Day 100% 100%
Advertising With Less Spend